Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Mother's Unconditional Love

I don't know if you can quite describe the feeling of unconditional love.  But for me it definitely started with my children.  I remember vividly both of their births.  One was a very peaceful beautiful birth with a gorgeous winter sunset in the back drop as the doctor held him up so I could see him for the first time!  At that very moment I felt a powerful wave of love....one that I had never felt before. That feeling for him has never fleeted.  My second son was born on a beautiful day but complications suddenly during the delivery jeopardized both of our lives.  I just remember praying please let him live. I was okay to die but not my son.  Well, God spared both of our lives and after delivery he was perfect!  Again that powerful unconditional love in play.

I know for me as a mother my love for my children is like a limb to my body.  When they hurt I hurt.  When they love I love. When they prosper and grow so does a part of me.  There's a bond that stays as long as you live.  I imagine my mother feels the same way about me.  She always wants me to open and share the good and the bad in my life.  Of course I try to protect her but her own instincts for her children always kicks in.

My mother shared with me her own bond with her mother (my German grandmother Oma).  My mother has lived in the US now for over 50 years.  Twelve years ago when my grandmother suddenly passed away in her sleep in Germany,  my mother in the US woke up shaking in the early morning....she just knew her mother had passed away. Shortly she received the call from her sister in Germany.  Indeed her mother had passed away approximately at that time. 

I am very grateful to have the gift of motherhood and the opportunity for unconditional love.  It comes with tears of joy and at times with cries of anguish.  But it truly is a gift. 

Today I want to congratulate my dear friend Ginger on the birth of her second grandchild today and my dear friend Lia who is enjoying the precious moments of her second newborn child. I know they too are enjoying this outpouring of emotion and this precious gift.  My heart goes out to many tonight....the tears of joy and the tears of sadness all in the sake of Love!


  1. wonderful blog!! So glad I took the time to read it...
